Culture of Bali and its People

Here we want to tell you a bit about the Cultural life of Balinese People and how its organized and ruled and balinese People live their daily life.

For the People of Bali the Hindu-buddhist Religion of Bali , its offerings , praying and ceremonies are a big part of their Daily life. That is why we will explain the Religion deeper in the point Information / Religion.

Banjar / Desa / Subak or the Village Communities:

Balinese Life in a Village , their Problems and ruling is meanly done by 2 Communities .. a group of families that help each other in daily life and work called Banjar and a group of Banjars that form a desa or village with a market and a center for public decisions . In everyday life the banjar looks for all belongings of their families and members , organizes fieldwork and waterrights . each banjar normally has a temple in which local decisions are made democratic called bali bajar .. this temple is the home of their gamelan (music) orchestra and is also used for meetings and dance ceremonies. Most of every day conflicts are solved in the Banjar. A few Banjars are forming a Desa Adat or Village in which also democratic conflicts between banjars are solved .. a desa contains a market , schools and other village buildings and is ruled democratic with a Decisionmaker called Klian and his Secretary and Treasury Assistent. Every Banjar contains at least 3 Temples : the Puseh or Central Temple , the Desa Temple or Village Temple and the Dalem or Crematory Temple. These 3 Temples symbolize the trinity of creation , preserving and destruction .. very important elements of balinese Believe.

Since most of balinese are farmers they form communities called Subak to work together and share water and farming equipment and even work together. each Subak is overseen by a klian subak and his secretary and treasury . Each Subak has a Subak temple to honor the godess of rice Dewi Sri , most times in the middle of the subak community.

Caste System:

Bali like other Hindu territories is still ruled by a caste or rank system , even the system is not as complex as in others. In Bali they have 4 different caste:
Sundra, which makes up around 90 % of the population or the working class.
Wesia, the warrior and nobility caste often using I Gusti in their names.
Satria, the king caste often using Dewa or Anak Agung as title.
Pedana, the holy men or Brahma with Ida Bagus in their title.
each Caste has its own language and there is a separate language to speak to people of unknown caste .. this all shows respect and diversity between the different ranks.